Family Law
Grayson & Company is sensitive to the diversified needs of families in modern society. We recognize the unique needs of so many families today. Our staff counsels our clients with legal advice. Extensive knowledge and experience with family law are key.
We take an objective approach that recognizes the extra-legal aspects of this area of the law. Every family has different dynamics. Our staff knows that family law is not one size fits all. They have families too. They understand how important compassion and understanding are.
We cover all aspects of Family Practice, including:

- Adoption
- Child Support
- Custody and Access
- Divorce
- Division of Family Property
- Family Related Criminal Matters
- Inter-spousal Contracts
- Prenuptial Agreements
- Maintenance Enforcements, including Extra-Provincial Maintenance Obligations
- Referrals to Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Services
- Separation
- Shared Parenting Agreements
- Spousal Support